​​CUBA WEEK 2: Friday  December 16 – Sunday December 18, 2016

We loved this city and we loved the Cuban people. We loved their generosity and willingness to go out of their  way to help.  

If we were to visit Cuba again it would be to see the progress in this marvelous cities rebirth. 

We organised for a private taxi to take us from Havana back to Santa Clara from where we were flying back to the US the next day. We shared the ride with three young Americans touring Cuba for a short time. I think that  after Havana every town in Cuba would be a disappointment. There is nothing quite like it. 

Cuban Capital building undergoing its first restoration in over 100 years.

House of Bacardi

Bacardi rum logo styled after the ornament on the roof of their original building in Havana

Cruise ships have started arriving in Havana only recently. We saw three in five days.

Air pollution from old cars and old industry makes for pretty sunrise and sunset.

View from our room in Havana

Our taxi was a 50’s Dodge.

Hardly any cars on the Freeway out of Havana